Saturday, May 31, 2008

I Always Dreaded Conforming

Sometimes i get so fucking fed up with the world that I just feel like leaving it. Since getting back from my backpacking trip things havent been easy. I had to conform to what the avergae thinks a man my age should be/do. I might be a bit insane but try to follow me here. A deaf person... Deaf people speak the way that they do because they cant hear themselves. They cant tweak their voices as we do to sound "appealing" to other people. To us it sounds funny but if you think about it, thats the way we would all sound if we didnt give a shit about how we sounded when speaking to other people... Do you follow? What im trying to say is i think i will start to speak the way deaf people do... Im gonna put no effort into tweaking my voice to sound appealing to you him or the other person. ye i might sound like a retard and you might not like it but then the fuck with you... ARRRORORAAAAAAHH!!!!

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