Thursday, August 21, 2008

Mental Conditioning

I preached it and will now live it... Much stress has enveloped me lately and for very good reason. I know the workings of my mind. I know, for sure, that I am not your typical thinker. I am a maniacal one. Maniacal, not in a bad sense but simply extremely calculating. I fucked up though and now have to resort to old fashioned mental conditioning. If I dont, and I absorb what the world around me wants me to, I will be in for it. And so to lala land I go. Shut off and numb to most that goes off around me... Like a blank sheet of printing paper made out of Kevlar, just itching to soak itself w/some ink. To absorb some knowledge or perhaps deflect some. Least I can JUDGE what does or doesnt get thru. And so TO HELL if it belongs there, a smile I'll share with you :)

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Thanx, it was sent.