Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Cool As That Smoky Chill That Emanates from Ice- GR

Been stressed lately because of business. Trying to biuld something so very simple yet because of things I wont mention here it has become a whole fucking FUSS! I take a military approach to things these days. I am dangerously calcualting. Objectives I set I make sure to meet. I dont fuck around at all and have become very serious. Because of how I look at things and my understanding of sociality I carry with me a commanding presence. It just formed around me naturally aftert learning enough about this horrible place we call the world. Its simple. We all are monkeys but there are some that are more intelligent. I've risen above the social norm, the socially accepted, I care not for wut any1 peron might think about my actions so long as I know it is righteous. I also care not for wut any 1 shmuck might think because 99.9% are led by either money, sex or other selfish temptations like monkeys w/bananas. You see, I care not and have no fear of/for law, courts or authority. Reason for this is simple, I dont care for money and so this makes me an extremely dificult person to keep in check and/or deal with. I dont write about most things I do and I have become more politically involved lately. I cannot write about these things because monkeys will now look at it as really strange or not right, then explanations are seeked and I cannot share. Waterboard me, kill me. Love will live on! One day rest assured it will be understood, every action I take, from the moment I wake up to that last blink before I fall is a selfless one..

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Thanx, it was sent.